The Player Journey

Design exercise
Journey Mapping

The player's journey in UX gaming is the overall experience that a player goes through when interacting with a game. This journey typically consists of several stages, starting with the discovery phase where the player learns about the game and decides whether or not to try it. The onboarding process follows, where the player is introduced to the game mechanics, controls, and objectives. After that, the player enters the gameplay phase, where they engage with the game's mechanics, progress through levels or stages, and encounter various challenges. The gameplay should be engaging and challenging enough to keep the player interested, but not so difficult that the player becomes frustrated and gives up. As the player progresses, they will encounter various achievements or rewards, appropriately balanced, giving them a sense of accomplishment without being too easy or too difficult to obtain. Finally, the player reaches the endgame, where they have completed all the content the game has to offer. At this point, the player may continue to engage with the game by replaying levels, competing with other players, or seeking out additional content.